Dad took a picture of me in my born to be wild-suit.
Btw. there are more pictures in the photo album (link in the menu to the right).
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Dad took a picture of me in my born to be wild-suit.
Btw. there are more pictures in the photo album (link in the menu to the right).
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We have two sofas in our house. That’s nice. Frederik takes the small one…
…and I take the large one:
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Today I had more gifts comming. It’s incredible how many things keep coming my way.
There were some clothes from the neighbours of my grandparents. Both on my fathers and my mothers side. I think I have plenty of clothes now.
I still don’t sleep much during daytome, but fortunately I can still sleep at night, even though it does take some time before I relax and fall asleep.
Today I was more or less awake from 11am to 11pm. I ...
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My father made a small script for me, so now you can alwas see my age in the “about”-section on the right.
Btw. it’s a bit strange that noone writes comments to my posts here, since everyone has been so nice sending me gifts and cards. Just click on the “Your are welcome to comment this post”-line below, and send me a comment, so I know that you are follow the page. That would also help my find the motivation to ...
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At least according to the suit I go from the managers at dad’s work yesterday. I’m so supprised that everyone buys be presents al the time. I had my dad promise to take a picture of me in the new suit, when it has been washed.
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Today I still had trouble sleeping more than half an hour at a time. I fall asleep if someone is holding me, or taking me for a ride. But as soon as they put me in bed or stop rolling the pram, I wake up again. When its after eight pm I can sleep again, until next morning only interrupted ...
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Friday night we all went to a birthday party in Dianalund. Even more people had gifts for me, so now I have plenty of new clothes. I slept most of the party.
Saterday we were supposed to go to Hyllerup to visit Granny and Granddad, but unfortunately our car decided otherwise. On the way to Dianalund, the exhaust pipe fell off, so the car makes much to much noice to drive all the way to Slesvig. Maybe it was a good ...
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I was bathing earlier today. I like being in water, as long as it is the right temperature.
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My sister Mie holds me quite often. She sometimes takes me into her room, and reads aloud some of her homework. She doesn’t want to change my diaper, though. When it’s time she calls mum and dad, and let them take care of it.
Ragna likes to play guitar and sing for me. I’m always quiet ...
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Today I had a visit from the county nurse. She came to examine and weigh me. She also gave my parents some papers to enroll me to kindergarden, when mum starts working again next year.
I now weigh 4250 grams (4310 gram on my fathers fishing weight), and all the thing the nurse examined were in perfekt order, so she won’t come back for another two months.
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